Pham Hong Minh (left) gives vegetables to the boy who sells lottery tickets (Minh's clip)

Pham Hong Minh, 42, is the owner of a vegetable shop in Bien Hoa City. Three years ago, Minh became well-known when he donated large volumes of vegetables to people who did not have enough money to buy food.

At that time, the middle-aged man hung a board over his shop, saying ‘Ai mua thi ban, ai sin thi cho’ (vegetables for sale to buyers, for donations to food beggars). 

Minh’s heart of gold helped many laborers, low-income workers and poor students have vegetables for dinner in the pandemic years.

Though the pandemic has been contained, the board is still hanging over his shop.

“Sales have been going slowly recently. Some of my loyal wholesale buyers have shut down their businesses and don’t need my vegetables anymore,” he said.

Nowadays, his daily profits depend on retail sales, but the profit is modest. “Previously, I could earn VND3 million a day, but now I can collect VND1-2 million a day."

However, Minh still has the habit of donating vegetables to the needy. The difference is that previously he donated 300-400 kilograms of vegetables, but now just 200-300 kilograms a day.

“I don’t follow a fixed donation schedule. I offer vegetables depending on the amount of goods I have and the market prices. In general, I donate vegetables 3-5 days a week,” he said.

Minh said though vegetable sales are going slowly, and vegetables for donation run out quickly, he still feels happy. The donated vegetables have the same quality as vegetables for sale.

Many people say they eat Minh’s vegetables every day. Thanks to him, they can save money to improve their lives.

Minh has become popular for his clips posted on his YouTube channel. The clips feature his daily activities, including collecting and selling retail vegetables at Bon Nuoc crossroads in Bien Hoa City, and donating vegetables. His life is full of laughter, optimism and love. 

One of the best-known clips posted by Minh is one showing him giving vegetables to a boy who sells lottery tickets. Netizens gave him many ‘likes’ after seeing him talking with the boy in front of Tan Bien wholesale Market.

Minh’s YouTube channel has attracted 36,000 followers, and he has begun making money from the channel. He used his initial income from YouTube, VND1 million, to buy essentials to donate to an orphanage.

Ngoc Lai